Flouride in Carmichael CA

Flouride in Carmichael CA

Flouride in Carmichael CA

Whether it's your water supply or in your toothpaste, fluoride is a known toxin and a carcinogenic industrial waste. Learn more about fluoride in this blog post from our clinic in Carmichael CA.

Fluoride Facts in Carmichael CA

You have to keep this important fact in mind- when fluoride is added to drinking water, it's not the natural mineral that we hope for. In actuality, the fluoride is a chemical compound, a waste product that comes from fertilizer plants. The compounds used for water fluoridation are chemical byproducts of aluminum, steel, cement and nuclear weapons, manufacturing--basically all man made material.

When we have it in this form, there obviously is no nutrient value or health benefit at all. In fact, some of the reported dangers include physical harm to the kidneys, heart, teeth, bone and skeletal structures and your nervous system. Although it takes years to present any symptoms, a disrupted immune system can be the most severe because once our immunity is diminished, the propensity for illness and sickness can skyrocket.

Its not only water and toothpaste that we will find fluoride but also:

  • Foods and drink processed with fluoridated H20
  • Pesticides on food
  • Pharmaceutical drugs, especially antidepressants
  • Soy baby formulas

What's the alternative? A healthy diet with the absence of refined sugars, processed foods and increasing the intake of leafy green veggies and vitamin k2.

Also, make sure you get regular cleanings with your biological dentist.


8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 11:00am
*Every Other Week*

Baratta Holistic Center

6728 Fair Oaks Blvd #300
Carmichael, CA 95608

(916) 979-0716